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Antifriction lubricant for electrical cables

SKU: 193 Category:

Professional water-based antifriction lubricant for installing electrical cables. Product that facilitates the insertion and sliding of electrical cables, telephone cables, optical fi bres and fi shtapes inside conduits. Friction, due to rubbing between cables and pipes’surfaces, is reduced of 70 %. The cable, passing into the liquid, is fully lubricated increasing the fl owability and preserving from friction the outer coating. It does not corrode plastic and rubber. It protects parts from wear and ageing. It doesn’t dry and it doesn’t make obstructions. Packaged in spray bottles of 1 l. For professional purposes. Ready to use. To be used within 12 months from date of packaging. It can’t tolerate coldness. Please avoid contact with surfaces made with ceramic, wood, marble, carpet, etc… In case of contact, please use a common spot remover.